Protocol Composability

We believe an immense number of NFTs will be locked in smart contracts in the coming future. Therefore, we collaborate with other (financial) protocols to unlock some exciting use.

These protocols lock NFTs in smart contracts to enable loans, fractionalization, staking, or other utility.

By collaborating, we allow locked assets to be rented out through our use-right model. Therefore users can earn yield while their NFT is locked/being utilized in other protocols.

Imagine a scenario in the real world where you took a loan from the bank to purchase a home or property, but then could not rent that property out to a tenant.. we fix this problem for NFTs!


  • Take a loan against your NFT while renting it out

  • Fractionalize your NFT while renting it out

  • Buy now, pay later. Rent out your NFT while paying off your debt

  • And more!

Last updated