Collateral-Free Integration Guide

This is a guide on how to use reNFT's SDK to interact with the collateral free contract directly. This tutorial was written for sdk version 5.0.4.

The following discussion applies to v5.0.4 of the SDK.

Lend/Rent NFTs In-App

To interact with our smart contract, we'd recommend using our SDK.

The ReNFT object takes in an ethers Signer and an optional contract address if not using the default collateral-free contract.

import { Sylvester } from "@renft/sdk";
const renft = new Sylvester(signer);

We name our contracts after famous cats. You can find the name mappings here. Sylvester is the code-name for the collateral free contract.


Any of the following functions support batching as shown below for the Lend instruction where the user lends an AstroCat and a CatPlsr in the same function call:

import { NFTStandard, PaymentToken, packPrice } from "@renft/sdk";

const astroCatLendingArgs = [

const catPlsrLendingArgs = [

const lendingArgs =, index) => {
  return [value, catPlsrLendingArgs[index]];

await renft.lend(...lendingArgs);


import { NFTStandard, PaymentToken, packPrice } from "@renft/sdk";

const nftStandard = NFTStandard.E1155;
const nftAddress = "0x0db8c099b426677f575d512874d45a767e9acc3c";
const tokenID = "1";
const lendAmount = 1; // qty of the NFT to lend
const maxRentDuration = 1; // in days
const dailyRentPrice = packPrice("1");
const paymentToken = PaymentToken.WETH;

await renft.lend(


import { NFTStandard } from "@renft/sdk";

const nftStandard = NFTStandard.E1155;
const nftAddress = "0x0db8c099b426677f575d512874d45a767e9acc3c";
const tokenID = "1";
const lendingID = "1"; // this information is pulled from the subgraph
const rentDuration = 1; // in days
const rentAmount = 1;


Stop Rent

Even though no real posession of the NFT is given, the renter must signal that they have concluded "using" the NFT with this call. If the renter fails to do so, then the lender can invoke "Claim Rent" explained below, to redeem the full amount of rent. Note that "Stop Lend" will be blocked until the user calls "Claim Rent" first.

import { NFTStandard } from "@renft/sdk";

const nftStandard = NFTStandard.E1155;
const nftAddress = "0x0db8c099b426677f575d512874d45a767e9acc3c";
const tokenID = "1";
const lendingID = "1"; // from subgraph
const rentingID = "1"; // from subgraph

await renft.stopRent(

Claim Rent

import { NFTStandard } from "@renft/sdk";

const nftStandard = NFTStandard.E1155;
const nftAddress = "0x0db8c099b426677f575d512874d45a767e9acc3c";
const tokenID = "1";
const lendingID = "1";
const rentingID = "1";

await renft.claimRent(

Stop Lend

import { NFTStandard } from "@renft/sdk";

const nftStandard = NFTStandard.E1155;
const nftAddress = "0x0db8c099b426677f575d512874d45a767e9acc3c";
const tokenID = "1";
const lendingID = "1";

await renft.stopLend(

Query Loan/Rental Status

To learn about how to learn about the status of a particular lending / rental, read here.

Unpacking Data

Prices are returned in a custom format (rationale for this format was to fit the lending into a single storage slot). To unpack them, use our SDK's unpackPrice function:

import { PaymentToken, unpackPrice } from "@renft/sdk";

const parsePaymentToken = (tkn: string): PaymentToken => {
  switch (tkn) {
    case "0":
      return PaymentToken.SENTINEL;
    case "1":
      return PaymentToken.WETH;
    case "2":
      return PaymentToken.DAI;
    case "3":
      return PaymentToken.USDC;
    case "4":
      return PaymentToken.USDT;
    case "5":
      return PaymentToken.TUSD;
      return PaymentToken.DAI;

const lendingsDataToLendings = (
  theGraphLendings: TheGraphLending[]
) => {
  const theGraphToLending = (theGraphLending: TheGraphLending) => {
    return {
      lenderAddress: theGraphLending.lenderAddress,
      dailyRentPrice: unpackPrice(theGraphLending.dailyRentPrice),
      maxRentDuration: Number(theGraphLending.maxRentDuration),
      lendAmount: Number(theGraphLending.lendAmount),
      paymentToken: parsePaymentToken(theGraphLending.paymentToken),
      lentAt: Number(theGraphLending.lentAt),


Last updated